Saturday, July 27

Former cop who killed George Floyd, Derek Chauvin gets a 21-year sentence for violating Floyd’s civil rights

The former Minneapolis cop who killed George Floyd has now received an additional 21-year sentence in federal court. This is in addition to charges of manslaughter and murder Chauvin was convicted last June and will be served separately.

The plea agreement called for Chauvin to receive a sentence of 20 to 25 years for the killing of Floyd. Chauvin killed Floyd after he used his knee to pin him to the pavement in front of a Minneapolis corner store for at least eight minutes and forty-six seconds as Floyd pleaded that he could not breathe and eventually lost consciousness. Chauvin, continued to pin him down, even as onlookers and paramedics pointed out that he was unconscious.

Eric Nelson, Chauvin’s attorney argued that Chauvin was remorseful but Chauvin did not offer an apology to Floyd’s family.

Tou Thao, Alexander Keung, and Thomas Lane, three other cops involved in Floyd’s death were sentenced back in February for federal civil rights charges in the killing of Floyd.

Police were called on Floyd (46) after a store employee alleged Floyd used a counterfeit $20 bill to buy cigarettes, on May 25, 2020, when they confronted Floydabout the counterfeit bill. Not even 20 minutes passed before Floyd was pinned beneath three officers, including Chauvin who pinned his knee to George Floyd’s neck.

George Floyd, is originally from Houston and grew up in Cuney Homes, a public housing complex in Houston. He was 46 years old at the time of his death and is survived by five kids.

File Photo: Tribute to George Floyd in Houston

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