Saturday, July 27


SWAT Standoff – 9200 Opelika
Breaking News, Crime, Houston, Shootings

SWAT Standoff – 9200 Opelika

A SWAT standoff ensued late last night after a suspect who was being served a warrant decided to barricade himself inside his home located in the 9200 block of Opelika while posting to social media (Instagram: @hardtokilltrappa). He was eventually taken into custody. Here is the raw transcript (unedited) of the media briefing that took place on scene after the suspect was placed into custody: "My name is Ben Tien last name spelled Tien assistant chief of the Houston Police Department . At approximately 7:45 p.m. today. Our S.W.A.T. officers at this location, which is a residence at the 9200 block of Opelika, i'ma spell it out I don't want to butcher the street name. It's O-p-e-l-i-k-a it's in the northwest part of town, but basically, our officers found out , you know, fin...