Saturday, February 8

Colony Ridge Part 2: Exploring the area where two Santa Fe M.S. students were found fatally shot

(TEXAS) – A second drive through Colony Ridge, specifically the Santa Fe subdivision near County Road 5260 and 5200, offers additional insight into the area following allegations of gang and cartel activity. This re-visit to the area was prompted by a comment from a reader regarding the fatal shooting of two teenagers, 15-year-old Cesar Christopher Trochez-Maravilla and 14-year-old Adiel Garcia Aguirre, who were found fatally shot in a car near mailboxes in the Santa Fe subdivision back in April 2023. I started at this location based on reports from local news stations. It should be noted that there is no clear signage indicating this area as part of Colony Ridge but according to our reader, this is part of Colony Ridge.

During the drive, group mailboxes for the neighborhood were spotted on County Road 5260. The neighborhood itself resembled a typical rural community, featuring semi-trailers, RVs, and mobile homes, along with lifted trucks, yards used as storage, and old, rusty vehicles and boats. While the aesthetic may appear concerning to some, there were no visible indications of cartel or gang-related activity, though local crime is likely present, as in many areas.

The drive concluded at Santa Fe Middle School, where the two teens had attended. Along the way, I encountered a law enforcement officer making regular patrols of the area. When asked specifically about the presence of gangs or cartels, the officer expressed genuine surprise at the suggestion, noting that crime in the area is not notably higher than in other regions. I have reached out to the Liberty County Sheriff’s Department in order to get a report on crimes in the area but to be fair, I have not given them enough time to respond before this was posted. I will post his response whenever it is provided.

To be clear, I am not saying there is not any gang or cartel activity, but there is nothing that stands out at this time. I do understand that just driving through is not a catch all to see how bad an area is which is why I have reached out to law enforcement and why I urge residents who see this to post their experiences in the comments or reach out via

Part 1 of the series can be viewed here.

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